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Journal of Asia Pacific Studies

ISSN: 1948-0105 (Electronic)

ISSN: 1948-0091 (Print)

Volume 5, Issue 3, June 2019

Table of Contents

Fermentation of cocoa CCN-51, on the basis of three methods, in different times

Augusto Marcillo Plaza, Tayron Martínez Carriel, Elicia Cruz Ibarra, Wilmer Baque Bustamante

Territorial initiatives for peace: a national reconciliation proposal from memory reconstruction with children and teenagers

Adriana Lucía Hernández Palacio, Andrés Francisco Olivar Rojas, José Luis Rodríguez Cuchivaguen

Importance of communicating love in the upbringing of children from 03 to 05

Lilibeth Jiménez, Karen Milena Abello Estrada, Alejandro López Libreros

Teaching Innovation: Development of Mini-videos as an educational resource

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Edgar López Moncayo Mera

Prevalence of co-infection of extrapulmonary tuberculosis and human immunodeficiency

Aguirre Martínez Juan Luis, Bravo Zúñiga Betty Alexandra, Campuzano Villafuerte José Javier, Wong Jara Narcisa Andrea

The attractions and tourist services of the Villonaco wind power station of the city of Loja, for the development of inclusive tourism

­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­Jefferson Sanchez Ruiz, Jhohana Larrea Silva, Sheila Coronel López

Copyright held by the Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences 2024.

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