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Submission Instructions and Guidelines:

Important information:

- The author retains ownership over his or her paper and it may be published in other journals.

Submission guidelines:

a. Clearly indicate what kind of paper your are submitting (book review, article, etc)

b. Download the template and follow the format

c. Follow APA style for citations

d. Submit your abstract in the "comments" section of the form below and send your full paper as an attachment by e-mail.

e. Word documents only

We will respond to your submission in less than two weeks.

Templatejournal.doc (DOC — 57 KB)

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Last Name: *


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In order for your paper to be considered for publication authors have to join the Interuniversity Lecture Series as a supporter. Joining is for free.

Copyright held by the Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences 2024.

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