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ISSN 1948-0105 (Online)

ISSN 1948-0091 (Print)

About the Journal:

The Journal of Asia Pacific Studies aims to serve as an outlet for research dealing with the interdisciplinary field of Asia Pacific Studies. As one of the most dynamic regions in the world, the Asia Pacific is of interest to a vast array of scholars and practitioners from many fields. Interest in the region is no longer limited to a few elite centers in the Global North but rather has spread to Latin America and other regions of the developing world. Moreover, Central America has started to look East as a way to diversify its traditional reliance on the Atlantic and North America. Due to the previously mentioned increased interest in the Pacific and Asia as its hub, the International Academy of Social Sciences (IASS) publishes the Journal of Asia Pacific Studies.

JAPS is indexed and catalogued in the Directory of Open Access Journals, EBSCOhost, the online Bibliography of Asian Studies of the Association of Asian Studies, and OpenJGate.

Structure of the Journal:

The Journal of Asia Pacific Studies will have two main sections. First, a research and analysis section will provide a solid scholarly core to the Journal. A second section will concentrate on opinion and policy papers so as to translate and operationalize some of the research findings for the policy making community and other practitioners. Articles for the first section will be submitted to double blind peer review and should be at least 13 pages (double spaced, times new roman 12) and references should conform to APA standards. The second section will be under direct editorial control and articles will be from 3 to 10 pages in length.

Manuscript Submissions:

For the Research and Analysis Section:

-Manuscripts should be submitted as word files, references should be in APA style, avoid page breaks and other formatting, include your contact information in the title page, and clearly indicate that the paper is being submitted to the Journal of Asia Pacific Studies.

- Send the attached manuscript and the contact information of the two peer reviewers to the following e-mail address: Clearly indicate in the E-mail Subject Head: that the manuscript is being submitted to the Journal of Asia Pacific Studies.

For the Opinion and Policy Section:

- Please send your manuscript as well as a resume or cv to :

Editor in Chief

HE Ambassador Otto F von Feigenblatt, MA, EdD, PhD, FRAI

Editorial Board:

Chakrapani Ghanta, Ph.D.

Director, Center for Social Empowerment Department of Sociology

Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Open University (Andhra Pradesh, India)

Senior Fellow, JAPSS

Steven Shirley, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Keimyung University (Korea)


Yin C. Chuang, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Taiwan Normal University, (Taipei, Taiwan),



Lecturer of Music Therapy Division, College of Music, Mahidol University, Salaya, Nakhonpathom, Thailand


Abdulazeez Yusuf, Ph.D.,

Universiti Sains Malysia (Penang, Malaysia), 

Copyright held by the Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences 2024.

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