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JAPSS volume 9 Issue 3 December 2018

Accompanying and Integral Training in University Students

Yesid Fernando Roa, Diana Carolina Díaz, José Daza Acosta, Juan Gabriel Castañeda 

Chemical composition and aerobic stability of silages in the form of microsyls of the passion fruit peel (Passiflora edulis)

Italo Fernando Espinoza Guerra PhD., Marlene Luzmila Medina Villacís MSc., León Bolivar Montenegro Vivas MSc, Adolfo Rodolfo Sánchez Laiño MSc, José Miguel Romero Romero MSc. & Romàn Soria Velasco MSc. 

The statistics of mediation processes against the human side of conflicts. Guayaquil, Ecuador

Abg. Patricia Rodríguez Sandoval, Dr. René Astudillo Orellana. Mgs, & Ab. Miguel Costain Vásquez. Mgs 

Physical Disergonomic Risks in the Warehouses of Poultry Farms

Guillermo Neusa Arenas, Rodrigo Roberto Alvear Reascos, & Cristina Elena Argoti Reyes 

Increase opportunities with a "smart" agriculture based on the agrometeorological conditions

Lorena Arboleda-Castro, Ivan Jacho-Sánchez, Pavel Novoa-Hernández & Mario Herrera 

Community Intervention: A Participatory Proposal from its Actors, Sector Noroeste, Guayaquil – Ecuador

Efrén Alejandro Viteri Chiriboga, Lazara Milagros Velis Aguirre, Elias Orlando Briones Arboleda & Olga Alexandra Martínez Betancourt 

Family functionality and older adults. A look from the Community intervention

Viteri Chiriboga, Efrén Alejandro, Velis Aguirre, Lazara Milagros, Terranova Barrezueta, Aida Elizabeth, Márquez Allauca & Karoll Jeannette 

Overweight and Obesity Associated with the Civil State in Gestants that goes to Health Center Nº3, Loja, 2018

Álvaro Manuel Quinche Suquilanda, Enith Marlene Moreno Ortega, Lídice Lorena Álvarez Román, Ana Lorena Ríos Elizalde 

Maturity level assessment as a function of asset management

Mera, Luis., Baque, Leonardo& Herrera, Mario

University Curriculum: Analysis of its Praxis in Ecuador and Challenges for the 21st Century

MSc. Amor del Rosario Lalama Franco, Jenny Fajardo Peláez, MSc. Miriam Morán Rodrigo, & MSc. Imelda Troya Morejón 

In Vitro Evaluation of Three Ammoniated Agricultural Residues for Feeding Ruminants

León Montenegro-Vivas, Italo Espinoza-Guerra, Adolfo Sánchez-Laiño, Orly Cevallos Fálquez, Roque Vivas-Moreira, and Jhon Montenegro Holguín 

Cultural Transformation, a Challenge for Competitive and Innovative Higher Education Institutions

Martha I. Lasso Quintero, Andrea M. Pineda Salazar, Oscar Alvarado, & Maira A. Velasco 

Gender Leadership and its Incidence in the Financial Performance of Agricultural Sector Enterprises

Dr. (c) César Freire Quinteros, Mgs. Haydeé Yulán Negrete, Msc. Tannia Acosta Chávez, & Ec. Laura Moreira Veloz 

A Relationship between Spending on Science and Technology and Gross Domestic Product. Case of Mexico and Ecuador

Victor, Quinde-Rosales, Rina, Bucaram-Leverone, Martha, Bucaram-Leverone, & Carla, Silvera-Tumbaco 

Copyright held by the Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences 2024.

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