JAPSS Volume 5, Issue 1, December 2012

Research and Analysis
Buster C. Ogbuagu
Africa and the Millennium Development Goals: Constraints and Possibilitie
Michael B. Aleyomi and Joseph O. Ise Olorunkanmi
The Economic Case for Marijuana Legalization in Canada
Larissa Ducatti Flister
Mavis Dako-Gyeke and John Ntewusu
Nigerian Public Service Reforms and the Fourth Republic Experience: Challenges and Prospects
Bolaji O. Omitola
Egbe, Olawari D.J.
Police and Institutional Legitimacy: The Case of Michoacán, México
Jerjes Aguirre Ochoa and Perla Barbosa Muñoz
Structural Dynamics Analysis of Real Madrid Club de Futbol
Manuel E. Gil U
Gajan: Fertility, Feminity, Freud and Futility
Modhura Bandyopadhyay
Adelaida Gaytos-Rosaldo
The Struggle for the Nigerian Soul: Niger Delta Debacle
Bolaji O. Omitola