JAPSS Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2012

Research and Analysis
Transformation in Higher Education: The Case of Kocaeli University
Osman Ferda Beytekin and Hasan Arslan
Class, Productive and Unproductive Labour: Divisions in the Global Working Class?
Dr. Timothy Kerswell
Development Plans and Visions as a Strategy for Sustainable Development: The Experience of Nigeria
Ukertor Gabriel Moti
The Critical Comparison of the Green Parties’ Phenomena between Indonesia and Thailand
Eko Priyo Purnomo, Megandaru W Kawuryan, Achmad Nurmandi, Klaus Hubacek, and P B Anand
Illegal Labor Markets: A Case Study of Trafficking of Women and Children in South Asia
Rana Ejaz Ali Khan and Tasnim Khan
Inflation - Growth Nexus: A Vector Error Correlation Modelling Of The Nigerian Experience
Ben. U. Omojimite and Victor E. Oriavwote
The Impact of Tobacco Consumption in Jamaica
Tazhmoye V. Crawford
Chege Gabriel Kimani, Mutiso Moses Mutua, Aiyabei, Michael Chesire, and Paul Sutter Chebet
Influencing Factors of Unsafe Sexual Practices among Dodoma University Students, Tanzania
L. Madan Mohan
Gabriel James Tambunga
Global Classroom at Preprimary Stage in Canada and A.R.E: A Comparative Study
Walaa Elsayed Abdalla Elsayed Sakr
Dr. Alfonso de Ceballos-Escalera y Gila