International Register of Prominent Academics and Intellectuals
Volume 1, 2013-2014
To be Published by the Journal of Alternative Perspectives in the Social Sciences
Purpose: The International Register of Prominent Academics and Intellectuals aims to compile a vast biographical of prominent scholars and thinkers from all over the world. Academics and Intellectuals with at least a master’s degree are invited to submit a biographical sketch for consideration for inclusion in the first volume of the Register. The Register will be published both in print and online.
Browse the Register (Under Construction):
Requirements for Inclusion:
- Master’s degree or higher from an accredited university (first professional degrees are the first degrees in their respective fields and thus not equivalent to a traditional graduate degree. Holders of American JD, MD, and other professional degrees will need to supply extra documentation to show that they are capable to conduct graduate level research)
- At least five publications in peer-reviewed journals
- Three References
Procedures for Consideration for Inclusion:
- Submit a three hundred word biographical sketch. Include pertinent academic information such as degrees earned, major publications, and professional affiliations.
- List two or three major contributions to knowledge (theories, models, etc)
- Submit a passport picture (electronic copy)
- Submit a print copy of thesis, dissertation, or most recent monograph
For more information and to submit your documents contact: